Ayurvedic Treatment For Sinusitis, Hay Fever, Migraines


Ayurvedic Treatment For Sinusitis, Hay Fever, Migraines

Sinusitis and Migraine are two common conditions that people come across these days. Sinusitis is a condition where one can see the inflammation of the cavities around the nasal passages. Whereas migraine is a condition where the patient experiences acute headache of varying degree often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. These conditions can prove to be very serious if not taken care of properly. Common signs like sneezing or running nose, distorted sense of smell, headache etc. can make you fall a victim of the condition of sinusitis. And similarly, severe headache, pain in the eyes and seeing flashes of light can lead to migraine.

The diet differs with every patient according to their physiological constitution of the body. All the medicines prescribed are herbal in nature which does not have any side effects. Full care is taken of the patient by not only curing the malady.

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