Sitting for long hours, incorrect posture and exercise beside injury or weakness of muscles are few reasons that can result in Chronic Back Pain. The pain is persistently sharp, you may feel stiffness in your lower back, pain might travel to your legs too and there will be times when you will feel the burning sensation or numbness.
Quite debilitating, Chronic Back Pain can have other reasons too, like growing age, overweight, smoking, arthritis, spondylitis, sprains and strain. It not only restricts your movements, but also increases your dependency and that can be very painful.
Ayurveda explains the problem which is a result of vitiated Vata and weakness of bones and muscles. We will help you to get relief from severe aches through the treatment package of Chronic Back Pain.
Herbs help total healing, reduces the side effects and cancer-associated complications.Each herb contains multiple active principles that often operate synergistically producing therapeutic benefits and lowering the risks of adverse effects; and avoids the need for supplemental therapy to manage cancer cachexia. Now it is important to raise awareness and encourage implementation of Ayurvedic therapies for combating cancer and suggest an integrated approach in tumor management and treatment.